Crepuscular: Becoming active at twilight or before sunrise.
Used in a Sentence: It seems that regardless of when I sleep, I am crepuscular.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Daily Definition: Teledu
Teledu: A carnivorous mammal, like the skunk, that is capable of emitting an offensive odor.
Used in a Sentence: No matter what, you DO NOT want to be behind a teledu in a supermarket line.
Used in a Sentence: No matter what, you DO NOT want to be behind a teledu in a supermarket line.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Daily Definition: Prestidigitation
Prestidigitation: Manual skill and dexterity in the execution of tricks; sleight of hand.
Used in a Sentence: To be a politician you must be a master of prestidigitation.
Used in a Sentence: To be a politician you must be a master of prestidigitation.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Daily Definition: Bugaboo
Bugaboo: 2. A steady source of concern.
Used in a Sentence: The Patriot Act has definitely become a bugaboo.
Used in a Sentence: The Patriot Act has definitely become a bugaboo.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Daily Definition: Analgesia
Analgesia: Inability to feel pain while conscious.
Used in a Sentence: Many times in life I find myself wishing I had analgesia.
Used in a Sentence: Many times in life I find myself wishing I had analgesia.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Daily Definition: Sinophile
Sinophile: One friendly to the Chinese and their interests.
Used in a Sentence: I do not think you could find a Tibetan sinophile.
Used in a Sentence: I do not think you could find a Tibetan sinophile.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Daily Definition: Orchidaceous
Orchidaceous: 2. Suggesting ostentatious luxury; showy.
Used in a Sentence: Just because something is orchidaceous does not mean it is something of value.
Used in a Sentence: Just because something is orchidaceous does not mean it is something of value.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Daily Definition: Rhynchocephalian
Rhynchocephalian: Of or pertaining to the rhynchocephalia, an order of mostly extinct lizard-like reptiles.
Used in a Sentence: I am convinced that on of my college professors is rhynchocephalian.
Used in a Sentence: I am convinced that on of my college professors is rhynchocephalian.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Daily Definition: Loxodromic
Loxodromic: Pertaining to sailing on a rhumb line. Slanting.
Used in a Sentence: It seems to be a natural law that all drunks find themselves loxodromic when they walk.
Used in a Sentence: It seems to be a natural law that all drunks find themselves loxodromic when they walk.
sailing on a rhumb line,
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Daily Definition: Loupgarou
Loupgarou: A werewolf of Germanic origin.
Used in a Sentence: I am convinced that my last girlfriend was a loupgarou.
Used in a Sentence: I am convinced that my last girlfriend was a loupgarou.
werewolf of Germanic origin
Monday, May 19, 2008
Daily Definition: Alienor
Alienor: A person who transfers ownership of property to another.
Used in a Sentence: I swear the lady who sold me my house was an alienor at least a realtor.
Used in a Sentence: I swear the lady who sold me my house was an alienor at least a realtor.
transfers ownership of property
Daily Definition: Warp and Woof
Warp and Woof: The underlying structure upon which something is built: base.
Used in a Sentence: Many people I know do not have a warp and woof.
Used in a Sentence: Many people I know do not have a warp and woof.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Daily Definition: Stridulate
Stridulate: To produce a shrill grating or creaking sound.
Used in a Sentence: Too many people do not seem to speak; they only stridulate.
Used in a Sentence: Too many people do not seem to speak; they only stridulate.
Daily Definition: Vociferate
Vociferate: To cry out, or utter vehemently especially in protest.
Used in a Sentence: I tend to vociferate more often in the voting booth.
Used in a Sentence: I tend to vociferate more often in the voting booth.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Daily Definition: Putrescence
Putrescence: 1. A character or condition that is becoming putrid. 2. Putrid matter.
Used in a Sentence: Can anyone run for public office without experiencing putrescence?
Used in a Sentence: Can anyone run for public office without experiencing putrescence?
putrid character,
putrid condition,
putrid matter
Daily Definition: Sortilege
Sortilege: The act or practice of foretelling the future by drawing lots.
Used in a Sentence: Sometimes it seems that sortilege is just as accurate as any futurist.
Used in a Sentence: Sometimes it seems that sortilege is just as accurate as any futurist.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Daily Definition: Turgescence
Turgescence: 1. a The process of swelling. b. The condition of being swollen.
Used in a Sentence: No mater the truth of the situation, if your wife or girlfriend ever ask if you think they are experiencing Turgescence? The answer is always no.
Used in a Sentence: No mater the truth of the situation, if your wife or girlfriend ever ask if you think they are experiencing Turgescence? The answer is always no.
process of being swollen,
Daily Definition: Somniferous
Somniferous: Inducing sleep.
Used in a Sentence: When giving a talk, the most important thing is not to be somniferous.
Used in a Sentence: When giving a talk, the most important thing is not to be somniferous.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Daily Definition: Turbinal
Turbinal: 1. Having the shape of a cone resting on its apex. 2. A turbinate bone.
Used in a Sentence: If a presidential candidate's head is turbinal, does that mean he is a bonehead, or a conehead, or a boneheaded conehead?
Used in a Sentence: If a presidential candidate's head is turbinal, does that mean he is a bonehead, or a conehead, or a boneheaded conehead?
Daily Definition: Somnambulate
Somnambulate: To walk while asleep.
Used in a Sentence: Most people in life seem to somnambulate.
Used in a Sentence: Most people in life seem to somnambulate.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Daily Definition: Tuquoque
Tuquoque: A retort accusing an accuser of a similar offense or similar behavior.
Used in a Sentence: My next door neighbor said I was using a tuquoque, but I think that he is the one with the problem.
Used in a Sentence: My next door neighbor said I was using a tuquoque, but I think that he is the one with the problem.
similar behavior,
similar offense,
Daily Definition: Slugabed
Slugabed: One who is inclined to stay in bed out of laziness.
Used in a Sentence: I have noticed that when the weekend arrives I have become a slugabed.
Used in a Sentence: I have noticed that when the weekend arrives I have become a slugabed.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Daily Definition: Flocculate
Flocculate: To form lumps or masses.
Used in a Sentence: When I eat too much, I swear my butt is beginning to flocculate.
Used in a Sentence: When I eat too much, I swear my butt is beginning to flocculate.
Daily Definition: Revanchism
Revanchism: A foreign policy motivated by a desire to regain territory lost earlier to an enemy.
Used in a Sentence: Many bald men find themselves adopting a policy of revanchism.
Used in a Sentence: Many bald men find themselves adopting a policy of revanchism.
foreign policy,
lost territory,
Monday, May 12, 2008
Daily Definition: Eclaircissement
Eclaircissement: A clarification, enlightenment.
Used in a Sentence: I am always looking for eclaircissement.
Used in a Sentence: I am always looking for eclaircissement.
Daily Definition: Prosopopeia
Prosopopeia: The impersonation of an absent or imaginary speaker.
Used in a Sentence: I sometimes get the impression that the president is performing prosopopeia.
Used in a Sentence: I sometimes get the impression that the president is performing prosopopeia.
imaginary speaker,
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Daily Definition: Cenogenesis
Cenogenesis: The environmentally determined development of characteristics or structures in an organism.
Used in a Sentence: The cenogenesis of a child's heart is directly proportional to the amount of love it is given.
Used in a Sentence: The cenogenesis of a child's heart is directly proportional to the amount of love it is given.
Daily Definition: Poetaster
Poetaster: An inferior poet.
Used in a Sentence: It would be a disaster to be a poetaster.
Used in a Sentence: It would be a disaster to be a poetaster.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Daily Definition: Rheotaxis
Rheotaxis: The movement of an organism in response to the flow of a current.
Used in a Sentence: Sometimes moving against the current is the correct rheotaxis.
Used in a Sentence: Sometimes moving against the current is the correct rheotaxis.
Daily Definition: Phillumenist
Phillumenist: One who collects matchbooks or matchboxes.
Used in a Sentence: It would be better for the world if all terrorists suddenly became phillumenists.
Used in a Sentence: It would be better for the world if all terrorists suddenly became phillumenists.
collects matchbooks,
Friday, May 9, 2008
Daily Definition: Traducianism
Traducianism: The belief that the soul is inherited from the parents along with the body.
Used in a Sentence: I have enough to blame my parents for without traducianism.
Used in a Sentence: I have enough to blame my parents for without traducianism.
Daily Definition: Melpomene
Melpomene: The Greek muse of tragedy.
Used in a Sentence: Some days I feel like I am living my life under the influence of Melpomene.
Used in a Sentence: Some days I feel like I am living my life under the influence of Melpomene.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Daily Definition: Agrypnia
Agrypnia: Insomnia.
Used in a Sentence: New parents are in an involuntary state of agrypnia.
Used in a Sentence: New parents are in an involuntary state of agrypnia.
Daily Definition: Ranson d'etre
Ranson d'etre: Reason or justification for existing.
Used in a Sentence: Most people need a better ranson d'etre than they have now.
Used in a Sentence: Most people need a better ranson d'etre than they have now.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Daily Definitions: Superciliary
Superciliary: Of or pertaining to the eyebrow.
Used in a Sentence: What politicians say is causing me to have a permanent raising of the superciliary.
Used in a Sentence: What politicians say is causing me to have a permanent raising of the superciliary.
Daily Definitions: Megalocardia
Megalocardia: Enlargement of the heart.
Used in a Sentence: The world would be a better place if more people had megalocardia.
Used in a Sentence: The world would be a better place if more people had megalocardia.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Daily Definition: Bifurcate
Bifurcate: To divide into two parts or branches.
Used in a Sentence: If we do not come to an agreement we will have to bifurcate.
Used in a Sentence: If we do not come to an agreement we will have to bifurcate.
to divide into two parts,
two branches
Daily Definitions: Tergiversate
Tergiversate: To use evasions or ambiguities.
Used in a Sentence: When ask their age, all women over 40 will tergiversate.
Used in a Sentence: When ask their age, all women over 40 will tergiversate.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Daily Definition: Terraqueous
Terraqueous: Composed of both land and water.
Used in a Sentence: Before you throw the terraqueous at someone else, be aware that someone could throw some back.
Used in a Sentence: Before you throw the terraqueous at someone else, be aware that someone could throw some back.
Daily Definitions: In medias res
In medias res: In or into the middle of a sequence of events, in the middle of things.
Used in a Sentence: Some people, no matter how hard they try, find themselves in medias res.
Used in a Sentence: Some people, no matter how hard they try, find themselves in medias res.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Daily Definitions: Spinescent
Spinescent: Having a spine.
Used in a Sentence: Many people I have met do not seem to be spinescent.
Used in a Sentence: Many people I have met do not seem to be spinescent.
Daily Definitions: Inconsequential
Inconsequential: Without consequence; lacking importance; petty.
Used in a Sentence: Most of the things in life we worry about are inconsequential.
Used in a Sentence: Most of the things in life we worry about are inconsequential.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Daily Definitions: Paronomasia
Paronomasia: Word play, esp. a pun.
Used in a Sentence: I will engage in paronomasia no mater a whatia.
Used in a Sentence: I will engage in paronomasia no mater a whatia.
Daily Definitions: Imbibition
Imbibition: The absorption of fluid by a solid or colloid that results in swelling.
Used in a Sentence: Woman to her husband, "Does this imbibition make my butt look bigger?"
Used in a Sentence: Woman to her husband, "Does this imbibition make my butt look bigger?"
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Daily Definitions: Compos Mentis
Compos Mentis: Of sound mind; sane.
Used in a Sentence: I am convinced that people who get married before they are 30 years of age are not compos mentis.
Used in a Sentence: I am convinced that people who get married before they are 30 years of age are not compos mentis.
Daily Definitions: Iilumine
Iilumine: To give light to.
Used in a Sentence: As enlightened and educated beings we should iilumine the world.
Used in a Sentence: As enlightened and educated beings we should iilumine the world.
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